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Thursday, October 25, 2018

What is WP Video Press - and Full Review

What is WP Video Press - and Full Review

What is WP Video Press - and Full Review?

have I got your attention hi I'm Ron and I just used WP video to take full control of this normal YouTube video to force it to display in full-screen mode?

and to make you engage with this message that's right I'm using WP video on this video right now and just like that, I can take control and exit full-screen on command - 

  WP video is a brand new WordPress plugin that lets you take full
control of how visitors watch and engage with video on your site because you access to literally dozens of powerful new engagement effects that you can apply to any video to drastically
increase your sales opt-ins and conversions, 

What is WP Video Press - and Full Review
What is WP Video Press - and Full Review 

VideoPress Manufactured by: VideoPress Product ID: 275869 5 based on Great Plugin for youtube on WORDPRESS reviews 27$ New

in fact, I'm using another of these powerful engagement effects right now try scrolling up and down this page while this video plays and see what
happens you'll see a thumbnail version of this video playing as you navigate the page go ahead give it a try scroll up and down the page now but as impressive as these effects are I've only shown you the tip the iceberg 

WP video contains many more engagements effects and hundreds of options to put you in total control of your video the message so let me hand you over who will show you more of the software in action hi I'm the developer of WP video and I'm going to give you a quick demo of the product so with WP video you've got access to and limited players you can create as many players you want and you can install them anywhere on your site so we've got a couple set up here and I'll just dive into one of these I'll show you how this works so when you come to set up a new player, we also have
YouTube videos so you can use any .

YouTube video you want and you just need to paste in the URL here so I'm going to use a sales video from another product
of mine and just for this example so I'm gonna paste that in here
Africa preview we can see we've got a preview of the video within the plugin  then we just need to do some quick setup

so we can configure the video have it display exactly how we wanted so we can choose the width I'm accomplishing
pixels and percentage I'm just going to help percentage 100% choose the aspect the ratio I'm gonna leave it in widescreen
16:9 ratio choose the video quality well I want to have it default to the maximum quality so I can do that just by clicking that I've got a few of the sections where we can have it autoplay Alice anymore the player no, for now, we can show the controls so if I was to

have that is because now we'll show you what that means in a sec you can also enable the video looping and we can show
that information on the video as well so that's like the video title and things like that.

so I think I'll remove the video information and we all pick publish now with 30 P video, you get you've got different short codes associated with all the different players so I've actually, use your one of your players you just need to grab the shortcode for
the one so this one is the shortcode for the demo that we have fitted it

would just create it so I'm going to copy that I'm gonna create a new post demo and I've been embedded my shortcode in
there so if you publish and then we view the post we can see our video has been embedded and you press play but the really cool thing with WP video or the custom engagement effects that you can
out to really grab your visitors attention so let me talk you through a few of those now first on is full-screen video mode and this lets you force full-screen mode at any point in the video so you could have it you could force full-screen mode for the whole video if you
want so you could have it from the beginning to the end the in full-screen mode no matter what or you there may be there's a section in
the video that you really want to highlight that you really want to make sure that your visitors engaging with well you can do that too so let me show you quick example you just put a start
and an endpoint in here for your full-screen mode I will start it after 2 seconds and then I will end it after 8
seconds so if we just update this and
then refresh the video and then hit play
watch what happens after 2 seconds
one two boom then we just wait for boom
after eight seconds it switches back so
you've taken full control of that video
there but dolia videos can do way more
than that so let's take a look in
another one these great features let's
have a look at the resize video with
contacts so I'm gonna make this video at
the certain points of again we'll leave
it between two and eight seconds but
again you can have this will come
whenever you want to any star endpoint
the video I'm gonna have the video and
resize and I'm gonna have some content
appear to the right
so again if this is some you know if
there's a particular point in a bit of
it wants something happened maybe you've
got a point in your video where you're
asking your customers to buy maybe that
would be the point of a Buy button
appear so let's do that let's resize the
video 60% and then have a Buy button up
here to the right so I'll have my
content appears to the right choices that
here I also paste in a Buy button so
just got a Buy button I'm grabbing from
jvzoo and I'll put that in my locked
content section so whatever I put in
here will appear to the right of my
video at the point specified let's have
a look and see how this works so tsar
ivan in there we could update refresh
the page and then at two seconds instead
of full-screen mode lets wahat watch
what happens now boom so our video is
resized and a Buy button is appear on
command and you could have the Buy
button appear above so you can have it
appear on top to the left to the right
to the bottom you can have it appear
anywhere around the video that you want
and it doesn't have to be a Buy button
it could be literally anything you want
you've got access to the whole of the
WordPress editor here so whatever you
put in here will appear like a be an
opt-in form maybe it's a download link
maybe it's an image I mean an opt-in
form in here will be so powerful imagine
asking your visitors to subscribe and
then that exact moment having your
opt-in form
here but that's not all you can lock you
can also lock entire post contact in a
separate shortcut let me show you how
that works instead so I'll delete this
fire button here that we've got and I'll
replace it with some dummy text just a
couple of paragraphs of dummy text so
I'll and I will then change the locked
the resize video with contents mode and
well change it to locked content in
so I'll click update and now what I'm
gonna do is I'm gonna grab this second
shortcode yeah I'm gonna add it to my
post where the videos in so we're just
gonna add it underneath the video
shortcode and then if we go back to our
settings you'll see that we've got this
locked content is going to appear this
post content this text it's going to
appear in this shortcode at two seconds
and then disappear after days so this is
a great way of locking any type of
content maybe you want to lock your
whole post content until your visitors
watch your video maybe you'll want to
make them watch your entire video and
then have this appear at the end have
your post content appear at the end you
can do that again you can do not just
the text but anything you want images
download links whatever you want so
let's refresh the page and we'll see
here that after two seconds where we
indicated two seconds instead of the Buy
button appearing we're now going to see
some post content appear below the video
so one two see it's our dummy text has a
PS our post content has appeared at the
point in the video we wanted to so now
I've got one point a really cool thing
to show you and I think I've made me
save the best thing to last and this is
the thumbnail on scroll mode so let's
just show you how this works so I'll
remove the other video feature remove
this lock content feature and I will
enable thumbnail on scroll mode and I'll
choose my position I'll choose the
bottom left so let's show you how this
works and then I'll pop back over to my
website and I'll click play and now
watch what happens when I scroll down
the video is playing playing away as I
navigate the site in a little thumbnail
milk that's a full normal YouTube video
playing as I navigate the site but it
gets even better than that let me just
head back and play around with a few
seconds and show you something even
cooler so we'll head back and we'll rien
a belong video feature will re-enable
this resize video with comments feature
I also stick my Buy button back in and
I'll change the thumbnail position to
there be the bottom right
I'm just show you a different position
showing it it's working a different
position I have the content position
appear to the left and we will re-enable
real date refresh the page so when we
scroll down now you'll see it appears in
the top corner to watch what happens
after four seconds boom Oh fire button
has appeared just like before but now in
the thumbnail mode so we are combining
the two settings to just get an amazing
engagement effect it and that's fully
clickable we can click this button and
then go and buy and that's still a
normal YouTube video you know this is
just really powerful amazing stuff okay
so thanks for watching this demo I'm
sure you can now appreciate just how
powerful WP video is I'm sure you're
just as excited about this new
technology as I am and all that remains
is for you to take action and by now

What is WP Video Press - and Full Review 
wordpress video - how to use videopress-wp video press

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